School of Success, established in 2014 in Oromia region of Sululta town with vision of empowering students to acquire world wide computing knowledge, under the ownership of KSA Trading PLC(Kumera Success Academy) and has a student population of 120 students for kindergarten to grade 3. The school has opened its second branch in September 2015 and got 430 students for both branch and open 3rd branch in 2016 for Kindergarten merly. The branches were located in Sululta. Incrementing and becoming yearly influential school of the area, School of Success has been teaching 984 students in 2020.
School of Success is an outstanding school that enjoys a rich variety of cultures and backgrounds. The multicultural nature of the school provides students with a unique opportunity to interact with students from different parts of Ethiopia and living in Sululta town of Oromia. This has produced a high standard of respect for learning and for individual differences. In 2014 approximately 30% of the population are Amharic and English as Second Language and the rests mother tongue were Afan Oromo.
The school has a unique open plan design with separate cottages containing teaching spaces, library, general purpose facilities and administration offices.
Another progress has registered in 2020, for which another branch with a name of Ethio Harvard School open in Addis Ababa, Bole, Goro.
We believe in creating a friendly place where staff, students and school managements feel happy and safe, implementing fair, equitable and transparent assessment practices, effectively communicating aligned planning, assessment and reporting processes to parents, using evidence based teaching to determine and meet student needs and continually monitor progress, and adopting a consistent implementation of strategies and programs across the school.